LP Avocate has built a solid reputation for representing clients in appeals against the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) Indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels (IVAC). Every brief is handled in such a way as to provide victims with peace of mind: the first step to recovery.
We defend the rights of people in litigation involving disability insurance, civil liability, breach of contract or a formal notice.
For family issues, we become the spokesperson for spouses dealing with a dispute over separation, divorce, child custody, alimony or the estate.
In emotional legal disputes, our lawyers are committed to keeping their clients well informed every step of the way.
Accredited by the government, our lawyers also offer family mediation to couples which allows families seeking counsel from us to receive the government subsidy for a certain number of free sessions of family mediation.
The team at LP Avocate will use mediation for conflict resolution. Mediation is effective in labour law, commercial law, when dealing with separation or divorce and even workplace disputes. Professionals remain impartial in all cases. Successful mediation depends on the ability to listen, understand the issues of each party and remain professional. For every brief, our lawyers focus on these three aspects of mediation.
From the moment an employer is made aware of a situation of physical, sexual or psychological harassment, or discrimination within his or her company, he or she is under the obligation to take all necessary steps to put an end to the situation.
From analyzing the work environment to investigating complaints of psychological harassment, violence and sexual misconduct, our mandate is to shed light on these conflicts in your company or organization. We accompany and guide you through crisis management and follow-up. Our legal professionals conduct an in-depth investigation by meeting with the people involved to establish a global picture of the problem. To facilitate this often delicate process, we prioritize a professional and human approach in order to establish a bond of trust with the complainant(s) and witnesses. All meetings are held in the strictest confidence. At the end of the investigation, our team of lawyers specialized in harassment cases submits its report, with recommendations if necessary, based on the law and company policies. Our analysis or investigation will help you understand the problems in your workplace.